Stephen Fry
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Saviez-vous que le fils d'Apollon a failli brûler la terre en jouant avec le char solaire de son divin père ? Que Psyché est entourée de deux vilaines belles-soeurs prêtes à tout pour ruiner son histoire d'amour avec Éros ? Ou que Sisyphe a passé les menottes à la Mort en personne ? La mythologie grecque racontée par le facétieux Stephen Fry est un délice. D'un ton décalé et piquant, mais toujours avec la rigueur et l'infinie tendresse qui le caractérisent, l'artiste anglais aux multiples talents capture ces mythes extraordinaires dont la modernité vous frappe à chaque page.
Cases for PACES is concise, ideal for quick reference, and the perfect study aid to Part II of the MRCP examination. Including all the essential information for the exam in colour-coded sections for each station, it lets you quickly understand the most common cases.
Now in full colour, it features new case material, updated content on ethics and law, and revised brief clinical consultations that better reflect the current exam. Cases for PACES also includes hints and tips for preparing for the exam, and what to expect on the day.
The authors have condensed their own experiences in learning and teaching PACES to provide you with exactly what you need to pass. With its informal style it is ideal for self-directed learning in groups, and will help you hone your clinical skills and boost your confidence throughout your revision. -
Cases for PACES
Stephen Hoole, Andrew Fry, Daniel Hodson
- Wiley-Blackwell
- 13 Avril 2009
- 9781444312997
This book has been written for PACES candidates by a team of authors who are themselves recent PACES candidates. Frustrated by the lack of suitable revision material available, the authors drew upon their own experiences of studying and the exam to create this concise revision aid.
Presented in a case study format to match the exam, the book has an informal writing style. The syllabus for the exam has been reviewed extensively by the authors and, whilst ensuring that the book covers all the essential information, obscure cases are not featured.
Designed to fit in a white coat pocket for 'on the job' study, the structure of the material guides the reader through self-directed learning. -
Cases for PACES
Stephen Hoole, Andrew Fry, Daniel Hodson, Rachel Davies
- Wiley-Blackwell
- 2 Février 2010
- 9781444319613
Cases for PACES provides a concise study aid to Part II of the MRCP examination; the Practical Assessment of Clinical Examination Skills or PACES. The new edition of this very popular study guide has been completely updated, and now includes scenarios for Station 5, introduced in October 2009. Featuring a `case study' format that matches the style of the exam, it includes all the essential information - perfect for on-the-ward revision and study. Written by authors who remember their own PACES examination, their experience in learning and teaching PACES is condensed to provide exactly what you need to know to pass. With its informal style, Cases for PACES is also ideal for self-directed learning in groups, and will help you hone your clinical skills and boost your confidence in the run-up to the examination. For more titles to help you prepare for MRCP examinations go to